I'm blessed to have a pretty remarkable kid. Don't get me wrong, he can be a booger at times, but overall he's a really great child. It's been a rough year at school and home with learning to listen and obey. We've tried many different things trying to see what works for him and have found that clear, specific goals with a specific reward seems to work the best.
Last week was really rough, so we wanted to start this one off on a better foot so Andrew has been working towards a new video game for the Wii. In order to receive it he had to go the whole week without being sent to a chair at school (he's sent there when he is a distraction or doesn't listen to the teacher or parent helper), as well as be a calm, helpful teammate at his game Saturday instead of being wild and distracting the team and coaches.
I received daily updates from Andrew that he hadn't been sent to a chair, but this morning I received an update from his teacher that knocked my socks off.
We arrived to school early today in order to promote The Human Race SC (great fundraiser and if you want to donate to Andrew/his school, click here) which left time for Andrew to play with other kids in the courtyard, something he doesn't normally get to do. I was impressed when the bell rang because Andrew immediately ran to his classroom without being told (something we've been concerned about if he were to be just dropped off). Being a mom, I still wanted to check to ensure he made it to class, so about 5 minutes later I walked to his room and went inside to make sure he was in there at which point his teacher stopped me. Apparently a few days ago his teacher had to step outside the classroom to speak with another adult which left the class by themselves and they were given the instructions to stay quiet. At some point they started getting loud as kids unattended tend to do. Mr. A reported to me that when he came back in, Andrew was standing at the front of the classroom leading them in song to calm down and it worked! That's right, ANDREW was the one calming the other kids down through a song the teacher gets them to sing in order to gain their attention. I am so proud of the changes Andrew has been making in order to grow in his listening as well as obeying and it was such an amazing blessing to start my morning with that great news.