I started this post on Wednesday, and had some time this afternoon to come back finish...enjoy!

All praises to the One
From whom it all began
The One who formed the stars
And who gave life to man
You set the world in motion
Created sky and ocean
And here I stand, beloved
And called by name.
The lyrics from this awesome worship song have been stuck on repeat in my head today. Yes, we should always give praise and thanks to the Father, and quite honestly I think that is one of my stronger suits given the trials we have gone though - please know I'm not saying I'm SuperChristian (now there's a comic book character!). Today is a day of celebration and praise. For the first time in longer than I can remember, we are not financially struggling. Yes I know, money isn't everything, but when you're piecing together money from both sets of parents to pay rent, not knowing on the 5th of the month if you'll have enough for rent and it was due 4 days ago, having your parents pay for your medical insurance, your husband works 9 days in one month, and your scrounging up change to get gas so he can even get to work one of those days, you realize just how hard it is to do things when you don't have a steady income.
This past year has broken my heart for people that struggle financially. I don't mean the people that can't afford an extra Starbucks that week, I mean the people who legitimately can't find work, can't feed their kids, the ones who can scrape just enough to stay above water and not sink but definitely not enough to ever get ahead.
God blesses us with those circumstances and regardless of how difficult, frustrating and stressful they may be, it's our duty to give him praise.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with a year full of trials and countless moments of uncertainty. Although at times I cried out wondering if you cared, your love was shown tenfold through the actions and helpfulness of those that we love. Lord, help me to be a person of generosity, don't let lessons and experiences we had be for naught. Allow us to be in a position of blessing others without expecting anything in return. Allow us to be able to surprise those that need, in your perfect timing, and allow us to never
take credit for those gifts. It always comes from you.
Be Praised!