–noun1. | act of frustrating; state of being frustrated: the frustration of the president's efforts. |
2. | an instance of being frustrated: to experience a series of frustrations before completing a project. |
3. | something that frustrates, as an unresolved problem. |
4. | a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. |
Frustration pretty much sums up the way I'm feeling right now. We have been struggling financially for well over a year and are so close to being "okay" that it's palpable. R had planned an amazing night to celebrate Valentine's Day tonight since we won't be able to celebrate on the actual day due to our roles at Elevation. However, once again financially it wasn't possible.
It got me thinking, why am I frustrated that we can't celebrate Valentine's Day? Why is this even such a special day that there's a need to show off what a significant other does for the other for just one day? Check out the 4th line of the frustration definition....where do we get the idea that Valentine's Day needs to be full of chocolates, flowers, cards, diamonds and other worldly things or else we are "unfulfilled." When did it become okay to rate our self worth based on our status (facebook, social, relationship or any other)?
Don't get me wrong, it's great to show your special someone outward signs of love or give gifts, but why do I think I deserve to be showered with these things to equate my husband's love? I should just be thankful that I have a life partner. Someone who has been with me through my highs and my deepest, darkest lows (and wow have there been some crazy lows the past couple of years).
Is it okay to be frustrated at our situation? I think s,o but I shouldn't let that ruin the rest of the weekend. I am so thankful for my amazing husband. I truly love him more than he'll ever realize and am thankful for every second I get to spend with him. God has truly blessed me.
awesome post Mel. Vday is all about spending time with people we love!