- The end of kindergarten has come and gone for A, he's a big first grader starting in 14 days.
- My brother got married in May
- I celebrated my 2 year kidneyversary in July and hoping for 30+ more.
- Spent an awesome weekend with Staci and Angel on the lake
- A finished up a great season of tball and took a variety of small summer camps (baseball, cooking, rock climbing)
- I've been playing a decent amount of beach volleyball and looking forward to a tournament in September
- I was asked to talk to members of hospital clergy staff to share my transplant story and am on "hold" to speak at high schools this coming school year
Our family is heading to Tahoe this weekend with some newer friends of ours, definitely looking forward to relaxing and some time away from Santa Cruz. Also excited, nervous, unsure for some possibilities for the future, but all great adventures start out that way, right? Just gotta leave it to God.
So here's to another promise to try to get on this thing more often. I'm going to start out easy with a 30 day photo challenge which I'll describe in my next post.
God has been good to us, even at during lowest moments. Looking forward to what could be coming. Regardless of what does happen, I know Andrew, you and myself are going to be doing it together.