Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mind purge

I spiffied up the place last night, and I really like how it looks!

On day 3 of the 30 day Shred and boy am I feeling it. Every single muscle in my body is screamin' - more so than doing hours on the treadmill. I look forward to doing it, as each day it becomes a wee bit easier. This morning I was going to kick it into overdrive and do 2 per day, but after a horrible night's sleep, it just wasn't happening. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll try again then!

Looking forward to life group tonight. We have a great group of ladies that are really starting to bond and become like family. It's especially good to see as one of the pseudo-leaders that started the group.

Andrew has been home from school all week. His temperature disappeared Sunday, and while he's not contagious anymore he's still not 100% back to healthy. He actually takes breaks from playing to rest and if you know Andrew, that's just not his normal self!

I'm loving my Jordana Paige bag that my mom-in-law got me as a late birthday surprise. I'm so not a huge purse girl, but it was nice for our E staff meeting today to be able to carry files, notebooks, etc and remain hands free.

Kidney biopsy news is everything was all good. Absolutely no signs of rejection and the kidney still looks super healthy. Looking forward to celebrating a year in July!

Alrighty, Jillian is calling me to get my booty downstairs to get my sweat on. Peace!

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