Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Special (in a good way)

One of the more interesting things that has happened since Andrew started school is adults at our local haunts noticing he's not with me. The conversation usually goes something like:

Them (grocery clerk, barista, etc) "oh, did Andrew start school?"
Me "yes, he's in first grade now."
Them "wow! That's so great, how did the first day go?"
Me "really well, he's such a social kid and he loves school so it's easy for him to go."
Them "he really his such a nice, social boy. You guys have done a great job."

Now I'm not sharing this with you to toot my own horn, believe me, if we were perfect parents we'd already have written a book or 10 and be cashing in! Thinking about these conversations this morning made me realize how much the seemingly "little" interactions we have with people each day may truly mean a lot more to them than we realize.

I realize this isn't a new revelation, but take a second to think about what it would look like if every interaction we had was purposefully meaningful. To Andrew these interactions are all special and meaningful. He looks forward to going into the usual Starbucks, Togos and grocery stores so he can see his "friends". If we go at a different time and I tell him his friends won't be working he always quips "don't worry, that just means I can make new ones". Writing that line and picturing him saying it, just made me realize what a truly special boy he is to think that.

Here's my challenge (including to myself) try to make each interaction today a meaningful one. When the person tells you their name, remember it (I'm so guilty of this). Talk to them realizing the human being they are and love them in the way God expects us to. What a different life we would all lead if we just took the time to do it.

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